It’s that harrowing drive we all remember as kids—when dad braved the icy road to Grandmother’s house for Christmas. Snow-covered trees, slippery pavement and cars in the ditch signaled the destination and safety were nearby.

Now that we’re adults we understand it wasn’t that life threatening, although it was part of the holiday adventure. We’d give anything to walk into that smartly decorated house again, linger in those warm hugs and experience the ready-to-co me-out-of-the-oven turkey aroma as only grandmother could create.
Yeah, there were gifts, most of them fleeting in one way or another. Batteries died, parts broke, pieces disappeared, or boredom set in, often the same day. The more long-lasting ones wore out, vanished mysteriously, or are currently serving a life sentence in the attic.
Warm memories don’t fade, though. They remain crystal clear into adulthood, an indelible gift of smiles, jokes, stories, laughter and love granted freely by family and friends.
Around the Tree
Surviving the road to grandmother’s house is nothing compared to what she poured into that meal. Her day began by starting the turkey at 3 a.m., followed by basting into the afternoon, starting the side dishes and somehow synchronizing everything into a grand finale. The investment was a wise one, gathering the family around the table for a few, fleeting hours, and creating memories that still pay dividends.
The best gifts this and every holiday season are not expensive and don’t require chefpertise or wrapping. Wear a smile, share a story—make it two—and listen to more than a few.
Get your nose out of that smartphone long enough to savor the time with those around you and ignore the urge to inventory your physical haul. Those toys—whether children or adult—are short lived compared to the memories.
Soak it in, relish it and radiate that decency and love for fellow man throughout the year, liberally. It’s the best gift going around.
Thank you for stopping by my modest blog. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and happy, healthy New Year.